CACFP Meal Patterns Track | CEU Specialty 2 | Intermediate
Beyond Beginners: Next Level Menu Planning
Navigating the complexities of developing a CACFP menu can often be overwhelming and confusing. What crucial information should you include on the menu to be in compliance? Do you include ounce equivalency, serving size, or both? Moreover, are there specific documents you should maintain while planning your menu? Learn how to create menus stress-free while meeting CACFP requirements.
- Learn the differences between retail and food service products.
- Evaluate and determine which CACFP foods require documentation.
- Differentiate front-of-house and back-of-house CACFP menus.
Presented by

Isabel Ramos-Lebron, MS, RDN, LD
Senior Nutrition Education Specialist, National CACFP Association
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