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Meal Pattern Minute: Second Servings in Family Style Dining

November 29, 2024

When serving meals in the Child and Adult Care Food Program, there are various meal service methods to serve foods such as individual plating, offer versus serve (at-risk afterschool and adults day care only), and family style. In the family style meal service, children can serve themselves. So what if a  child takes all the meal components, eats it and wants to serve themselves more? Do you claim that as a second meal for that child? 

Tune in to this Meal Pattern Minute as Isabel Ramos-Lebron, MS, RDN, LD, reveals the answer. 

Want to know more about family style meal service? Review the resources and webinar readily available for you to review.  


  • Offer Versus Serve and Family Style Meals in CACFP 
    • USDA released a memorandum that outlines the use of Offer Versus Serve (OVS) in the adult day care and at-risk afterschool settings, as well as the use of family style meals in the CACFP. This memorandum contains two attachments that highlight frequently asked questions and answers and OVS examples for breakfast, lunch, and supper meal service. This memorandum supersedes CACFP 05-2017, Offer Versus Serve and Family Style Meals in the Child and Adult Care Food Program.
    • In this memorandum, it specifically states that centers and day care homes that use family style meal service may not claim second meals for reimbursement.
  • Additional Meal Pattern Minutes on Family Style Dining 
  • Family Style Meal Service Operator Booklet 
    • Getting started with family style meal service? Review this booklet as USDA developed this tool to guide operators in how to prepare and serve meals using this type of meal service. 
  • Free Webinar: Family Style Meal Service with Children in the CACFP
    • This webinar shows tips for preparing and supporting children, training staff, and meeting CACFP meal pattern requirements to successfully serve meals “family style.” The Nebraska Department of Education also shares how they developed and utilized tools to train child care providers on family style meal service.

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