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USDA Announces $200 Million for CACFP Providers

October 1, 2024

Local Purchasing

Support for Local Food Purchasing

Today, October 1, 2024, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced $200 million for Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) operators through the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC).

In previous years, these funds have been made available to schools and emergency food providers to address supply chain challenges and incentivize local purchasing. This is the first time that CCC funds are being allocated specifically for CACFP-participating facilities. These funds can be used by child care centers, family day care homes, and adult day care facilities participating in the CACFP to purchase local foods that can be incorporated into the meals they serve.

The National CACFP Sponsors Association (NCA) commends the commitment of Secretary Tom Vilsack and the USDA for their support of CACFP operators who ensure over 4.5 million children and adults have access to healthy food. Since the release of CCC funds last year, NCA has worked in partnership with the USDA to find ways to provide additional assistance for CACFP operators, who also face challenges with local food purchasing.

“This historic investment not only helps strengthen local economies but also boosts nutrition security in some of our most vulnerable populations. We are thrilled that USDA has made this a priority and thank Secretary Vilsack and the entire team for their ongoing support of the CACFP community,” said NCA President and CEO, Lisa Mack.

The CACFP is a critical Child Nutrition Program through the USDA that has been found to enhance the quality of care and increase the nutritional value of meals served in child care. The CACFP safeguards the health and wellness of over 4.5 million children and adults, and this $200 million commitment will help CACFP providers better supplement nutritious meals and allow them to incorporate more local foods into their menus.

This bold investment from USDA will support the CACFP community in their work to ensure all children and adults in America are nutrition secure.


Learn more about the Commodity Credit Corporation and stay tuned for more information on how to access these funds.