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Meal Pattern Minute: Cross-Contact

August 23, 2024

When working in the kitchen, you might hear two different terminologies, cross-contamination and cross-contact. Often these words are used interchangeably, but incorrectly so. Cross-contamination is the transfer of harmful bacteria or other pathogens from one surface, food, or object to another, leading to potential foodborne illness. Cross-contact has to do with unsafe preparation practices and food allergens. 

To learn more, listen in as Isabel Ramos-Lebron, MS, RDN, LD, explains what cross-contact is and when it can happen whether you’re in the kitchen or serving a meal. 

Looking for more food safety training? Review the available resources below to help you further your knowledge of keeping children and adults in your care safe from cross-contact. 


  • Food Safety at Food and Nutrition Services
    • FNS helps protect program participants from foodborne illness by developing food safety education, training, and technical assistance resources to support FNS program operators this includes Child and Adult Care Program providers and sponsors. From food allergies to produce safety, there is a wide variety for you to explore. Includes Spanish resources as well. 
  •  CACFP Meal Pattern Minute: What is cross-contamination? 
    • Have you ever wondered how bacteria can spread so easily? In the kitchen, there are many ways that bacteria and other microorganisms can grow and spread if we are not practicing safe hygiene. One of these unsafe practices is cross-contamination, which may lead to potential health risks like a foodborne illness. So when can cross-contamination occur when preparing food in the kitchen? Click on the link to find out the answer! 
  •  Need Training on Food Allergens? Take the Special Diets Boot Camp! 
    • Need to know how to apply CACFP meal pattern substitutions or modifications with real, practical solutions? Our Special Diets Boot Camp helps you navigate the intricacies of policy regulations and proper documentation. You can find all of these webinars at, or click directly on the title for easy navigation.

Looking for a few food allergen-free foods? Try one of these recipes. 

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