National Child Nutrition Conference 2024: Call for Proposals!
June 12, 2023

Do you often find yourself telling inspiring stories of health and wellness, training the leaders who work every day to provide healthy and nutritious meals, or sharing your knowledge of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) or Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)?
Join us as a presenter at the National Child Nutrition Conference!
Workshops are one hour long, often have multiple presenters, and presentations include PowerPoints and handouts.
Shop Talks are for small groups to discuss a specific idea where the presenter facilitates the discussion for 30 minutes. No slides needed.
Training Academies are two or three-hour deep dive sessions held before or after the conference in a classroom setting. These require pre-registration for attendees.
Whether you've been thinking about becoming a presenter for the first time or have already shared your knowledge at previous events, apply today to be considered for our conference program. The deadline for priority consideration is September 1, 2023.
Need more information? Watch the recording of Secrets to Success: How to Be a Presenter at #NCNC24 webinar below. Discover how to submit a winning workshop proposal, review the requirements and guidelines for submitting your proposal, as well as our speaker agreement and expectations.