Registration Now Open for 2023 National Child Nutrition Conference
October 6, 2022

It’s official! Registration is now open for the 2023 National Child Nutrition Conference. This year we’re hosting our premier event in sunny San Diego, California, and we can’t wait to see you there. Register by November 30th for the lowest possible rate—only $329. Check out our conference page for the complete pricing table and registration deadlines.
The National Child Nutrition Conference is the premier annual event held by the National CACFP Sponsors Association, bringing together professionals from child care centers, home providers, sponsoring organizations, school districts, afterschool programs, Head Start programs, Food Banks, tribal nations and State Agencies.
Accommodations and logistics
Fly in on Monday and stay with us until Friday to make the most of your trip. The 2023 Conference will be held at the Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego from Tuesday-Thursday, April 11-13, 2023, but we have additional training opportunities available on Monday and Friday as well. We’ve secured an unbelievable room rate for attendees at only $185 per night, plus tax. The hotel booking link will be shared via email once your registration is confirmed.
Virtual option
If you’re unable to make it to San Diego, we’ve got you covered with our virtual option! Register for the Virtual 2023 National Child Nutrition Conference, and you will get three days of virtual training from April 11- 13, 2023. Attend the sessions live through Zoom, or watch them on-demand until May 15, 2023. If you’ll be joining us in San Diego your registration fee also includes all virtual sessions, which you can attend on-site or watch on-demand.
Conference highlights
There’s so much to learn, see and do the week of the conference. Here are just a few of the things we’re looking forward to most:
Boardwalk 5K Fun Run/Walk: On Thursday, April 13 from 6:00 am – 7:00 am we will enjoy a fun run or walk along the boardwalk! A $20 registration fee is required to receive a race metal.
Scholarships: Fifteen scholarships, valued at over $22,000, are available from The National CACFP Sponsors Association for NCNC23. Each scholarship includes conference registration, four nights lodging at the conference hotel, and up to $300 toward transportation costs. Fifteen additional scholarships will be awarded to attend the conference virtually.
USDA Sessions: The USDA is planning to present more than a dozen sessions! They’ll be covering topics from Menu Planning to Serious Deficiency Process to Milk Requirements.
Conference Workshops: In terms of education, this year is shaping up to be our best conference ever. We’ve got dozens of workshops across several topical tracks. They’re too numerous to list here, but we can’t wait to roll up our sleeves and learn. Check out pages 6 to 23 of our conference brochure to see what we mean!
Preconference and Post conference Academies: These conference add-ons are available a la carte and can help you take a deep dive into specific topics within the CACFP.
General Session: We can’t wait to feature Rear Admiral (Ret.) Frank Ponds and Stacy Dean, MPP, Deputy Under Secretary for USDA’s Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services, at our general session. This year’s general session is focused on motivating and reminding us why we work to support our nation’s most vulnerable populations.
Okay! We can’t wait to see you in April. Got questions? Need help with registration? Check out our conference page and brochure, or email