8 CACFP Resources for Back to School PLUS a Year of Posters
August 16, 2022

It’s back to school time, and we’re wishing you the best year ever! Whether your CACFP program is year-round or follows a traditional school calendar, August can be a time to welcome new students, age students up into new classrooms, re-establish norms and expectations and more! With so much on the back-to-school agenda, who has time to hunt down worksheets and resources? We’ve got you covered with eight resources for back to school plus a whole year of free motivational posters to keep your space fresh and fun.
This simple fall-themed activity page packs a punch! It features a peanut butter & apple wrap snack recipe, a craft, and circle time inspiration.
Core Exercises for Preschoolers
Start the school day with stretching or gentle exercise to engage minds and bodies. Use this same strategy after nap time to get young minds ready to play and learn after a good rest.
Placemat Art – MEMBERS ONLY
This fun craft is perfect for making new placements for your CACFP participants to start off the school year with a fresh seat at the table.
T is for Teacher Activity Page – MEMBERS ONLY
The perfect printable PDF for letters of the alphabet. Each letter is on its own page, ready to be decorated and cut out. Use this for a visual aid, learning tool, art project or to help identify cubbies or seats!
Friendship Day Activity Page – MEMBERS ONLY
Friendship Day is celebrated each August, and with new friends joining classrooms for the start of school, the timing couldn’t be better! Use this comprehensive activity guide to plan a Friendship Day celebration for your CACFP site. It includes a snack recipe, craft, activity, and more.
Healthy Eating for Preschoolers
This free resource from the USDA’s MyPlate is a double-sided full-color printable PDF all about healthy eating for preschoolers. The intended audience is families and guardians, but it’s a helpful guide for any adult who feeds children.
This double-sided printable PDF from Team Nutrition at the USDA is a detailed explanation of the school lunch program. It’s meant to answer questions on the nutritional value of school lunch foods as well as the benefits of students participating in the school lunch program.
Nibbles for Health are nutrition newsletters for caregivers of young children. This free resource is produced by the USDA, and is a wonderful supportive tool to send home to families to support healthy habits at home. It’s available in English and Spanish.
Free Motivational Posters
This series of twelve free motivational posters have it all: they’re beautiful, unique, and best of all: They’re free! Swap them out each month for fresh inspiration and decoration in your classroom. Enjoy!
Children Never Forget (January)
Fingerprints Never Fade (March)
Teaching What Counts (October)
Every Child Is Gifted (December)
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