Four Resources on Milk in the CACFP
August 10, 2022

Serving milk at meals is a requirement of the CACFP, but the type of milk and the quantity can vary based on age. And what about breastfed infants? Or participants with a dairy allergy? The milk requirement is a lot to take in! Drink in these four resources to help strengthen your knowledge.
Serving Milk (EN/SP) – This USDA training resource is in English and Spanish. It reviews what type of milk should be served based on the age of the participant, and then it offers a worksheet of practical examples.
Milk in the CACFP – This resource is in English and Spanish and is a fact sheet on the benefits of cow's milk consumption.
Fluid Milk (from the crediting handbook) – This twelve-page excerpt from the crediting handbook constitutes the entirety of the CACFP’s milk requirement. It even includes a handy chart detailing what types of milk and dairy beverages are creditable and which are not.
Milk Component Activity Page – This member’s-only resource is an activity page for participants to learn more about milk.