CACFP Inspire: Lina Lane’s Learning Center
August 3, 2022

Edelina Lane, of Lina Lane’s Learning Center, has a personal statement that reads “Lina Lane’s Learning Center will be one of Atlanta’s most respected and emulated, Family Child Care Home establishments, distinctive and successful in everything we do.” Edelina Lane has been involved in the CACFP since starting her childcare business in 2010, and it’s evident that she has executed the CACFP with distinction and success since that time.
Edelina is intensely involved in the Farm to ECE program to ensure that her students receive fresh meals every day. She believes that being a childcare provider and operating the CACFP means “accepting the honor of molding the most precious form of life there is – young children.” Additionally, being involved with CACFP means that Edelina is molding the child of today into the well-prepared, whole adult of the future by providing daily nutritious meals to help them grow and develop.
Participating in and promoting continuing education is one way that Edelina leaves her thumbprint on the CACFP. She volunteered as the Peer Support Network Ambassador for Georgia’s Quality Rated Initiative. Edelina volunteered for and completed the Language Environment Analysis GROW program. She was a board member of the Professional Family Child Care Alliance of Georgia (PFCCAG). Edelina volunteered to serve as the newsletter editor and webmaster for the PFCCAG. She even shared her knowledge by volunteering to be a guest presenter at the GAEYC Conference in October of 2018.
Truly, Edelina’s credentials as a professional, lifelong learner and educator go on and on. The CACFP, and indeed all childcare providers, benefit from the skills, abilities and knowledge of those among us like Edelina Lane.