- 1 cup 100% whole wheat pancake mix
- 1 cup unflavored milk
- 1 large egg
- 2 cups strawberries, chopped
- 2 cups blueberries, halved
- 1/2 bell pepper, sliced
- Prepare 32 mini pancakes according to the instructions on the pancake mix box. Each mini pancake is 1 tbsp of pancake batter cooked.
- Assemble 4 mini pancakes for the body of the caterpillar. Add 4 halved blueberries as "caterpillar feet." Place two slices of bell peppers on the head for the antennae and 2 halved blueberries for the eyes.
- Place 1/2 cup mixed strawberries and berries on the plate as the caterpillar's food.
One serving provides 1/2 oz eq whole grains and 1/2 cup fruit.