Response to Tragedy
May 25, 2022

We are deeply saddened by the tragedy that occurred at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, TX, yesterday.
On any given day our CACFP Community cares for over five million children and adults in day care, childcare, and afterschool care. Each of you have chosen to protect our nation's most vulnerable populations by ensuring they have access to healthy and nutritious foods. You help them strengthen their bodies through the food program and, more importantly, you also care for their hearts and minds. When participants arrive each day, you offer more than a solution to nutrition security – your program offers hope, love, and joy.
It is heartbreaking when that promise is shattered. It is incomprehensible when that trust is stolen again and again. We grieve with each of you: each of you who are forever fearful, each of you who are seeking words to explain the tragedy, and each of you who know the sorrow of senseless acts of violence.
Caring for Each Other
There is no easy way to offer comfort. However, our partners at Sesame Streets in Communities have resources to help children and families cope with violence in their communities that you may find useful. Their Community and Gun Violence topic page includes articles, printable resources, and videos to provide support in difficult times.
Watch this video, What is Violence? together and answer any questions children have about the conversation between Elmo and his dad. Be sure to offer lots of comfort and reassurance that you are there for them.
We agree with Elmo’s dad. “There is never a good reason to hurt others. Everyone, everywhere deserves to feel safe.” We are here for you.