Endorse the Early Childhood Nutrition Improvement Act of 2021

Action Needed Â
Please take a moment to sign on your organization to endorse the upcoming Early Childhood Nutrition Improvement Act of 2021. This important bipartisan piece of legislation that supports healthy nutrition for children in child care by strengthening the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP).  Â
CACFP plays an important role in improving the quality of child care programs, enhancing the nutrition of meals served, supporting small businesses, and making care more affordable for low-income working parents. This allows parents to work and kids to learn, grow, and thrive. Â
The bill would:
- allow another meal or snack for children in a full day of care, which improves the adequacy of benefits;
- improve reimbursement rate adjustments for child care home providers, making sure reimbursements keep up with the cost of a providing a healthy CACFP meal;
- streamline participation for parents and providers by moving to annual eligibility for for-profit child care centers;
- maximize technology to eliminate overly burdensome and outdated paperwork; and
- make improvements to the serious deficiency process.
Thank you in advance for prioritizing the well-being of our nation’s children by endorsing this bill.