Farm to Keiki: Healthy Eating Habits Take Root Early

Virtual National Child Nutritition Conference presented April 21, 2021
1 hour credited CEUs
Farm to early care and education can help foster children’s learning and exposure to new foods and is a fun way to make education and exploration come alive. Discover how simple nutrition education activities get children excited about new foods, hear about best practices and stories of how it can empower children, families, and providers, and learn how to create a year-long program that teaches children about nutrition, gardening, cooking and nature.
Presented by:
Robert Ek, MA, USDA Food and Nutrition Service
Lissa Y. Ong, MPH, RDN, USDA Food and Nutrition Service
Abbie Chaddick, MS, RD, RDN, Evidence Based Eaters
Tiana Kamen, MS, Farm to Keiki