Expanded CACFP Meal Access for Young Adults in Emergency Shelters

Why it Matters?
To continue to combat food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic, expanded access to CACFP meals is critical.
The American Rescue Plan authorized the USDA to reimburse institutions that are emergency shelters for meals and snacks served to persons under age 25.
Beginning on March 11, 2021, reimbursement at the free rate may be claimed for:
- All reimbursable meals and snacks served to young adults, ages 18 through 24, who reside in an emergency shelter participating in CACFP under section 17(t) of the NSLA; and
- All reimbursable meals and snacks served to young adults, ages 18 through 24, who receive services from an emergency shelter participating in CACFP as an at-risk center under section 17(r) of the NSLA.
Reimbursement is authorized from the date of enactment of Public Law 117-2 until the date the COVID–19 public health emergency is lifted. Retroactive reimbursement is available to institutions that have documentation to support the service of reimbursable meals and snacks to eligible adults. Valid retroactive claims for meals and snacks served back to March 11, 2021, will be paid without regard to the normal 60-day time limit on submission of claims, if they are submitted prior to June 1, 2021.