Audit Fund Allocation FY 2018 CACFP
September 9, 2016

State Agencies can now request up 2% of the allocated funds available per their State legislative body for auditing in FY 2019. Stage Agencies may request up to the maximum 2% at the beginning of FY 2018 and again at the end of the 2nd quarter of FY 2018. They may not exceed the cumulative amount of 2% of the funds available for their use in any fiscal year.
- October 13, 2017 – Deadline for funding level request to your Regional Office. No additional information is needed.
- October 20, 2017 – FNS Regional Offices should send funding level requests to the National Office at Please be sure the subject line states “FY 2018 CACFP Audit Funds Request – [add Region and State(s) Name].
- State Agencies must report on a Quarterly Basis.
- All State Agencies will automatically receive 1.5% CACFP Audit funds for FY 2018.
- Additional funding will be added once all requests are processed. Regional Offices will notify each State Agency requesting additional funding.
- Another notice will be issued in March for those who have not requested additional funds by the end of the 2nd quarter of FY 2018.
Why It Matters
To best serve the children in our care, we must utilize the tools available to uphold program integrity and increase program participation and effectiveness. By utilizing the audit funds available, State Agencies can best accomplish their fiscal year requirements and serve those in their programs. We must work together at all levels to provide the best care and nutrition to those we serve.
For more information, check out Vegetable and Fruit Requirements in the Child and Aduit Care Food Program; Questions and Answers (CACFP25-2016).